What is WalletConnect?

WalletConnect is an open protocol for connecting decentralized applications (DApps) to cryptocurrency wallets. It enables users to interact with DApps from their mobile or desktop wallets. By simply scanning a QR code or entering a URI, WalletConnect establishes a connection between the wallet and the DApp. Learn more about WalletConnect on the official website.

Using WalletConnect in the BitBoxApp

Note: Currently WalletConnect in the BitBoxAapp only supports Ethereum mainnet. To use other EVM networks such as Polygon, Arbitrum, BSC etc. please use the Rabby browser extension.


Important! Interacting with smart contracts can result in permanent loss of coins if you don't know exactly what you are doing. Proceed at your own risk.

1. Navigate to the Ethereum account you want to use wallet connect.
2. Click the "WalletConnect" button.
3. Click "New Connection".
4. Scan the QR code or enter the URI address of the the DApp. The QR code/URI can be found by selecting "WalletConnect" in the DApp.
5. Approve the connection and click "Done".
6. Now your Ethereum account is connected to the DApp via WalletConnect. You can continue on the DApp.
7. When you initiate a transaction on the DApp, a pop-up will appear in the BitBoxApp prompting you to approve the transaction on the BitBox02. If you are interacting with a smart contract, be sure to only proceed if you know exactly what you are doing and verify the transaction data if possible.


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