At BitBox, we take your privacy very seriously. We automatically erase all personal information from customers and users of our services on a regular basis. Because you are not subscribed to our newsletter, deleting your email address is next in line and will be removed from our systems in a few days.

Unfortunately, once your email address is deleted, we won't be able to contact you in the future, even in the case of important security updates.

We'd hate to see you go!

If we don’t hear from you, we won’t send you any further messages. But we'd love for you to stay in touch. If you'd like to continue hearing from us, you can choose from several options, whatever works best for you:

  • BitBox news
    Stay updated on the BitBox product developments (including security updates) and read about Bitcoin & security every couple of weeks.

    >> Sign up to the BitBox news <<
  • Security announcements mailing list
    No schedule, brief messages about critical security updates; we use it when it’s important. Of course, all these security announcements are also sent out via the BitBox news.

    Join our public Google Group.
  • Social media
    We regularly share key information and updates both via Twitter and Telegram.

    Follow us at @BitBoxSwiss on Twitter.

Thanks for your interest in our BitBox products.
 We hope you'll stay in touch.

-- Your BitBox team

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