If your BitBox02 hardware wallet is not recognized by the BitBoxApp or your computer, follow these steps to identify and resolve the issue:

Preliminary Checks

  • Remove Screen Protector: Ensure that the protective sticker has been removed from the BitBox02 screen, as it can interfere with touch sensor functionality.
  • Correct Device Orientation: Connect the BitBox02 with the display facing upward; the logo should be on the same side as the screen.
  • Direct USB Connection: Plug the BitBox02 directly into your computer’s USB port without using adapters or extension cables to prevent potential connection issues.
  • Test Alternative Ports and Devices: Try connecting the BitBox02 to different USB ports on your computer. If possible, test the device on another computer or an Android phone to determine if the issue is specific to your primary device.
  • Extension Cable Orientation: If using the provided extension cable, ensure that the logo on the cable aligns with the BitBox02 display to maintain proper orientation.

Verify Device Detection by the Operating System

Even if the BitBoxApp doesn’t recognize the BitBox02, your operating system may still detect it. Here’s how to check:

For macOS:

  • Open Terminal.
  • Run the following command:
ioreg -p IOUSB -l -w 0 | grep "Bit"
  • If detected, an entry containing “BitBox” will appear.

For Windows:

  • Open Device Manager.
  • Expand the “Universal Serial Bus controllers” section.
  • Locate “USB Composite Device” entries.
    • Right-click each USB Composite Device > select Properties
    • then navigate to the Details tab and choose Hardware Ids from the dropdown menu.
  • If the Hardware Ids include VID_03EB and PID_2403, the BitBox02 is detected.

For Linux:

  • Open the terminal.
  • Execute the following command:
  • Look for an entry containing “BitBox.”

Adjust USB Permissions on Linux

If the BitBox02 is not detected on Linux, you may need to modify USB permissions:

  • Open the terminal.
  • Execute the following commands:
printf "SUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", TAG+=\"uaccess\", TAG+=\"udev-acl\", SYMLINK+=\"bitbox02_%%n\", ATTRS{idVendor}==\"03eb\", ATTRS{idProduct}==\"2403\"\n" | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/53-hid-bitbox02.rules > /dev/null && printf "KERNEL==\"hidraw*\", SUBSYSTEM==\"hidraw\", ATTRS{idVendor}==\"03eb\", ATTRS{idProduct}==\"2403\", TAG+=\"uaccess\", TAG+=\"udev-acl\", SYMLINK+=\"bitbox02_%%n\"\n" | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/54-hid-bitbox02.rules > /dev/null
sudo udevadm control --reload
sudo udevadm trigger
  • Alternatively, download and execute the udev rules script from the official Shift Crypto GitHub repository.
  • If issues persist, add your user to the “plugdev” group:
sudo usermod -aG plugdev $USER
  • After making these changes, unplug and reconnect your BitBox02. A system reboot may be necessary for the changes to take effect.

Additional Troubleshooting Steps

  • Update Conflicting Software: Some applications, like Citrix Workspace, can interfere with USB device recognition. Ensure such software is updated to the latest version.
  • Check for Driver Conflicts: On Windows, outdated or conflicting drivers can cause recognition issues. Update your USB drivers through the Device Manager.
  • Disable Security Software Temporarily: Antivirus or security programs may block USB devices. Temporarily disable them to test the connection, ensuring you re-enable them afterward.

Contact Support

If the above steps do not resolve the issue, please contact BitBox Support for further assistance. Provide detailed information about the problem and the troubleshooting steps you’ve already taken to expedite the support process.