Steelwallet is an offline, metal storage tool that protects your recovery words against fire, water, electrical-shocks and corrosion. It consists of engraved stainless steel sheets and an automatic puncher. Each sheet can store 12 recovery word, 6 per side.

Get a Steelwallet

How to set it up

Step 1: Have your recovery words at hand.

All your recovery words come from the BIP-39 word list. One property of that wordlist is that you can identify each word just by knowing just the first 4 letters. That’s why you can only punch the first 4 letters of each word on your Steelwallet.

Step 2: Grab a marker and mark the holes you need to punch.

For example, if your first word is “escape”, you would need to punch “esca”. So the first mark would be where column 1 and row E cross. Continue with the first 4 letters of each word.

Step 3: Check that you’ve marked all spots correctly

Before you use the automatic puncher you should verify that you’ve marked all spots correctly.

Step 4: Take the puncher and punch the spots that you’ve marked.

After having punched the first 6 words, turn the sheet around and punch the next 6 words. Repeat until you’ve punched your all your recovery words.

Step 5: Store the Steelwallet sheets safely

Once you have finished setting up your Steelwallet, make sure to store it in a safe location.

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