When you purchase a personal support call with BitBox, either through our onboarding bundle or as a stand-alone option, you will receive a separate email with a link to book your call with us once your order has been shipped.

Please wait for your BitBox02 to arrive before booking your call.

The link in this email will guide you to Calendly, the booking software we use for scheduling calls. There, you can pick from the highlighted available dates and select your preferred time slot. Don't worry, you can reschedule your call if something else comes up.

We will confirm a few details about the call on the next page. Some of the fields will likely be filled out already. Simply add the missing details, such as your name or which edition of the BitBox02 you own. If you like, you can also add questions or topics we should prepare for.

Once you scheduled the call, you will receive another email confirming the successful booking. This mail contains everything you need for managing your booking, as well as the link to join the actual call.

  • You can Reschedule your call by clicking the button at the bottom, which will open the already familiar booking menu again. Adjust the date and confirm.
  • You can Cancel your call by clicking the other button at the bottom and confirming your cancellation from the menu.

The support calls are hosted on Google Meet. The link to the meeting room is included in the confirmation email and can be opened at any time. Please join the meeting by yourself once the scheduled time has arrived as we cannot call you directly. If you like, you can also add this event to your own calendar. 

You do not need a Google Account to participate in the call and you may leave your webcam on or off, whichever you prefer. 

Click this link in the email to join the call:

Here are a couple rules for the call:

  1. For liability purposes, the call may be recorded. You can keep your webcam on or off, however you prefer.
  2. You can ask any questions about the BitBox products & Bitcoin itself but we cannot give investment/financial advice.
  3. We will never ask you to share sensitive information with us such as passwords, private keys or seed phrases.
  4. You need to book the onboarding call within 180 days of your purchase.

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