The BitBox hardware wallet supports the use of passphrases, allowing you to create multiple wallets with a single device. This feature enhances security and provides flexibility in managing your cryptocurrencies.

What is a passphrase?

A passphrase is an additional word or phrase added to your wallet's recovery seed. It acts as a "25th word," creating a completely new wallet each time you use a different passphrase. This means that by entering distinct passphrases, you can access separate wallets, each with its own set of accounts and balances.

How many passphrases can you use?

Technically, there is no limit to the number of different passphrases you can use with your BitBox. Each unique passphrase generates a new, independent wallet. However, it's crucial to manage and remember each passphrase carefully. Losing a passphrase means losing access to the funds in the wallet associated with it.

Best oractices for using passphrases

  • Consistency: Always use the exact same passphrase to access a specific wallet. Even a minor difference will create a different wallet.
  • Security: Choose strong, unique passphrases that are difficult to guess. Avoid common phrases or easily obtainable information.
  • Backup: Securely record and store each passphrase separately from your recovery seed. Without the correct passphrase, even with the recovery seed, you cannot access your wallet.
  • Limit Use: While you can create numerous wallets using different passphrases, it's advisable to limit the number to what you can securely manage.

For more detailed information on security features and best practices, refer to the: