Only follow this guide if your BitBox01 is already reset to factory state. 

If you are experiencing 2FA issues, please order a support replacement BitBox01 and restore your wallet on that replacement instead of resetting your current BitBox01 to factory state.

Before you start, ensure the following:

  • You have a BitBox01, if you need one you can order a support replacement here.
  • You have your microSD card which contains your wallet backup file.
  • You know your backup recovery password.
  • You are using the latest BitBoxApp, currently version 4.27.0 (on the 4th of May 2021).
  • You are using the latest BitBox01 firmware, currently version 7.1.0 (on the 4th of May 2021).

Troubleshooting: BitBox01 not detected

If your BitBox01 has not been updated in a long time the latest BitBoxApp will not detect it. In that case you need to install version 3.0.0 of the old DigitalBitBoxApp and upgrade your BitBox01 firmware with that app. Once done, quit the DigitalBitBoxApp and launch the latest BitBoxApp again. The latest BitBoxApp will then detect your BitBox01.

See this entry.

Troubleshooting: BitBox01 passwords

  • Since roughly August 2018 you had to choose at least two passwords (more if you were using hidden wallets) when setting up your BitBox01. One called the "device password" is needed each time you access your BitBox01 wallet, the other, called "backup recovery password" protects your wallet backup from unauthorised access and is needed when you want to restore your wallet from your microSD card backup. 
  • Before August 2018 (or if you were using the old DigitalBitBox App, not "BitBoxApp") the device & recovery password are identical.

Restore standard wallet

In order to restore your standard wallet (not hidden & not legacy hidden wallet) follow these steps: 

  1. Plug microSD card into BitBox01
  2. Plug BitBox01 into BitBoxApp.
  3. Select “Restore from a backup” & continue.
  4. Set a device password, this can be anything.
  5. Select your wallet backup file that you want to restore, then click “Restore”.
  6. Enter your recovery password. This password needs to be 100% identical to the recovery password you were using in the past. Then tick the checkbox and click “Restore”
  7. Your standard wallet is now restored.

Attention: There will be no error if you input a different backup recovery password than the one you used when you created your wallet. The BitBox01 does not store information about your recovery password and therefore can’t “check” if it is the same one you used before or not. If you created your wallet before Aug 2018, then your backup recovery password is most likely identical to your normal device password.


Help, my restored wallet is empty!

  • Check all 3x Bitcoin accounts in the BitBoxApp (Bitcoin, Bitcoin Legacy, Bitcoin bech32)
  • If all 3x Accounts are empty: 
    • Either you entered a different recovery password (not identical to the one used in the past). ⇒ Try restoring again, this time with the correct recovery password.
    • Your microSD card contains multiple backup files that are not duplicates but different wallets (this can happen if you reset your BitBox01 in the past and instead of restoring your wallet you created a new wallet). ⇒ Try restoring from the other wallet backup files.

Restore hidden wallet (not legacy hidden)

Before you can restore your hidden wallet, first restore your standard wallet (see above). Only once you have successfully restored your standard wallet can you restore your hidden wallet. To confirm that you have successfully restored your standard wallet check if the transaction history matches your expectations (or compare the xPubs if you had noted them down).

  1. Unlock your standard wallet.
  2. Go to “Manage Device”. 
  3. Click “Create hidden wallet”. 
  4. Enter any hidden wallet device password that you want to use to access your hidden wallet.
  5. Enter the 100% identical hidden wallet password that you used when you created your hidden wallet. 
  6. Confirm that you want to create a hidden wallet by performing a long touch on your BitBox01.
  7. Unplug your BitBox01, then use the hidden wallet device password (see step 4) to access the hidden wallet.
  8. In order to make transactions from a hidden wallet, your BitBox01 needs to be paired to a smartphone. If your BitBox01 is not paired, see at the bottom of this page.

Restore legacy hidden wallet 

Before you can restore your legacy hidden wallet, first restore your standard wallet (see above). Only once you have successfully restored your standard wallet can you restore your legacy hidden wallet. To confirm that you have successfully restored your standard wallet check if the transaction history matches your expectations (or compare the xPubs if you had noted them down).

  1. First follow the steps above to create a hidden wallet.
  2. Unlock your standard wallet.
  3. Go to “Manage Device”.
  4. Open the in-App guide by clicking on “Guide” in the upper right corner.
  5. Click “How do I access the legacy hidden wallet?” then click “Enable legacy hidden wallet” to instruct your BitBox01 to unlock the legacy hidden wallet (instead of default hidden wallet) when you enter your hidden wallet device password.
  6. Unplug your BitBox01, then use the hidden wallet device password to access the legacy hidden wallet.
  7. In order to make transactions from a legacy hidden wallet, your BitBox01 needs to be paired to a smartphone. If your BitBox01 is not paired, see at the bottom of this page.

Hidden wallets & Pairing & Full 2FA

Hidden (and legacy hidden) wallets always have 2FA enabled for plausible deniability reasons. This means in order to make a transaction from these wallets your BitBox01 needs to be paired to your smartphone. 
To pair, open the standard wallet, go to "Manage Device" and click "Pair" then follow the instructions in the BitBoxApp & mobile DigitalBitBoxApp. Once the BitBoxApp shows that the BitBox01 is paired, open the hidden or legacy hidden wallet again (it will show that it's paired there too), then you can make transactions. 
You do not need to enable full 2FA in the standard wallet, just having pairing enabled is enough.

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