As of 12 November 2019, the BitBox01 is no longer available for purchase. If you are a BitBox01 owner, please read through the FAQs below.

Why is BitBox01 no longer being sold?

The BitBox01 started development in 2014 and was released in 2016. Four years later, the industry has matured and changed significantly. When it comes to security, we believe users are best served with the most up-to-date products. The BitBox01 is superseded by the BitBox02.

For more information, please read our blog post.

Can I continue to use my BitBox01?

To avoid unnecessary complications, we recommend moving over to a BitBox02 as soon as possible.

How to migrate funds from BitBox01 to BitBox02.

Only if absolutely necessary: To export your private key from the BitBox01 microSD card backup directly, please use our backup center tool.

Will my coins still be safe?

To avoid unnecessary complications, we recommend moving over to a BitBox02 as soon as possible.

How to migrate funds from BitBox01 to BitBox02.

What does EOL (end-of-life) mean?

EOL (end-of-life) for the BitBox01 means that we will stop actively releasing updates for the BitBox01 after November 2020, but may continue to do so if circumstances allow. EOL also means that the lifetime warranty terminates after this date.

I’m a BitBox01 owner, do I get a discount on a BitBox02?

Yes. We’re offering all BitBox01 customers a loyalty discount to move over to the BitBox02. The discount code will be available as an in-app notification included in the BitBoxApp (from version 4.15.0). If you can't find the discount code, please contact support.

Get a BitBox02

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